(And a little info about Mercyville)

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L, W. Perry

L.W. Perry

(Reprinted from The Elmer Journal, 1909)

If you want to buy harness go to a Harness shop.  This is an old trade maxim and a good one because it stands to reason that a man who has had years of experience

in the business will not misrepresent a piece of work or the kind of  

leather used in the work.  L.W. Perry engaged in the harness business

at this place about eight years ago and knows a piece of leather.  When

he sells you a set of hand sewed harness with his guarantee you may be

your bottom dollar that he will make good every time. 

Mr. Perry is a married man and has a highly respected family.  Perry is

a hustler, a fine workman and a Christian gentleman, one who stands

high in social and business circles and is deserving of the patronage of

the community in which he does business.  In connection with the

regular business he maintains a repair department and is ready at all

times to do such work while you wait and rest assured that the wait will

be of short duration.  L.W. Perry is a great home town man and his shoulder is always at the wheel when anything that will promote its advancement comes up, he wants to see things move and is not afraid to put his hand in his pocket in order to boost it.