Comments or Suggestions?

 Mr. W. H. Buck

(Reprinted from ELMER CENTENNIAL, 1976)

Mr. Buck is the only member still living of a Santa Fe bridge gang that he worked with the 23 consecutiev years, as a carpenter, under the employment of seven different foremen.

Mr. Buck began work on the Iowa and St. Louis Raidroad at the age of 15. He then changed to the Santa Fe in 1908, where he worked from Ft. Madison, Iowa, to Kansas City, Missouri, on all railroad beidges for $1.40 per hour for a ten hour day, until November 155, 1944, when he retired aat the age of 65.

Mr. Buck’s hobby is fishing and gardening. He walks to town once every day and twice some days. He has lived in or around Elmer all of his life except when working on the railroad. His wife Frona, cooked two summersw for the bridge gang to be near her husband. Mrs. Buck’s hobby is collecting salt and papper shakers. She has sets from many different states and one pair from Italy.

(And a little info about Mercyville)

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