(And a little info about Mercyville)

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 Jesse and Frank James – in Elmer?

The following remembrance is copied from the Elmer Centennial (1987) and was offered by Pauline Patrick, an Elmer resident at the time..

“Lawrence’s grandparents, Jasper Patrick and Mary McDavitt Patrick, owned and operated a livery service and a boarding-rooming house in Elmer.  The house, a large frame house over a little hill northeast of what was then known as the “Drake’s Store”, now known as the former home of Bernice Mock.  Salesmen in that day came via the railroad, rented vehicles and teams of riding horses to visit little towns not on the rail routes to sell their wares. One evening in the summer time, a gentleman rode up and rented a room and care for his horse.  A well built young man, shortly after supper he retired to his upstairs room.  During the night, a “ruckus” occurred outside, a barking dog and a snorting horse.  Mr. Patrick slept in the downstairs room.  He arose, dressed and stepped out in the hall to go outside.  The gentleman of the evening before met him in the hall and said “a horse was out in the yard. I put him back in the stall. Everything is alright out there”.  So Mr. Patrick went back to bed.  After all ate breakfast the next morning, the stranger saddled his horse and tied it to a hitchrack in the front of the house.  He and Mr. Patrick sat visiting on the porch.  After an hour or so, three horseback riders (strangers) rode up.  The gentleman greeted them, mounted his horse and rode off with them.  Know what? One of the three was Jesse James and the other two were the Younger Brothers.  Frank James had been the overnight guest.  They rode out of town going west and out of the country side.”